Monday, October 17, 2016

Light Painting

iso: 200 
 f-stop: 7.1
iso: 100
f-stop: 9
iso: 200
  1. The lower the f-stop, the more exposure there is. 
  2. The higher the f-stop, the less exposure there is. 
  3. The shorter the exposure, the less light there was in the pictures. 
  4. The longer the exposure, the more likely the picture will be too bright or unevenly lightened.
  5. The best setting was f-stop 8 and iso 200.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Black and White Photography

Photo 1 Original
Photo 1 Bright/Contrast
Photo 1 Curves
Photo 1 Levels
Photo 2 Original

Photo 2 Bright/Contrast
Photo 2 Curves
Photo 2 Levels
  1. The tool that worked the best for the first image was the curves to get the best texture in the photo without losing detail that was important to the picture.
  2. The tool that worked the best for the second picture was the bright/contrast because it allowed the picture to not be too contrasted while giving it nice brightness. 
  3. The tool that was the easiest to manipulate was the curves tool. It gave the user a lot of different options to obtain the optimum outcome.
  4. The image looked better better after applying some filters to the black and white photos. The contrast in the images was stronger in some and it gave more emphasis on the main objects in the picture. But overall, I believed that the original pictures without changing to black and white looks the best. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

The President's Photographer

  1. Peter Souza practices photographic archive photography. 
  2. Lyndon Johnson.
  3. Nixon told his photographer to leave the broadcast. 
  4. President's personal barber room.
  5. In the hallway of the West Wing if the White House. 
  6. About 13 hours.
  7. No, he cannot delete the photos because all the pictures are a part of the National Archive.
  8. I would like to be the President's photographer because it has a lot of perks and benefits while also being able to be so close to the President. It would be a life changing and amazing experience. 

Monday, October 3, 2016


  1. The setting that worked the best is shutter speed at 1/30 and F-stop at 4.8.
  2. The setting that worked the worst was shutter 1/30 and F-stop at 6.3.
  3. Yes this exercise helped me understand more about f-stops and shutter speeds because it helped me understand which settings to use in low lighting and to get the best exposure.
  4. The best way to change the depth of field is changing the F-stop in order to change the depth of field.